When Moana embarks on a quest to save a lost island, Maui's heroic fate hangs in the balance in this epic Moana 2 finale.
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Maui survives his battle with the villainous Nalo, but Moana sacrifices herself to restore the lost island, leading to a shocking twist ending.
In a heartwarming conclusion, Moana is revived by the spirits of her ancestors and granted demigod status, reuniting with a relieved Maui to celebrate their victory.
When Moana embarks on a quest to save a lost island, Maui's heroic fate hangs in the balance in this epic Moana 2 finale.
beat sheet
Maui survives his battle with the villainous Nalo, but Moana sacrifices herself to restore the lost island, leading to a shocking twist ending.
In a heartwarming conclusion, Moana is revived by the spirits of her ancestors and granted demigod status, reuniting with a relieved Maui to celebrate their victory.