James Gunn's superhero series Creature Commandos delves into the complexities of masculinity, expanding the director's provocative exploration of gender norms in the DC Universe.
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The show features a ragtag team of misfit superheroes, including a werewolf, a vampire, and a hunchback - challenging traditional ideas of heroic masculinity.
Gunn, known for subverting genre tropes in projects like The Suicide Squad, is using Creature Commandos to further his reputation as a boundary-pushing visionary in the superhero space.
James Gunn's superhero series Creature Commandos delves into the complexities of masculinity, expanding the director's provocative exploration of gender norms in the DC Universe.
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The show features a ragtag team of misfit superheroes, including a werewolf, a vampire, and a hunchback - challenging traditional ideas of heroic masculinity.
Gunn, known for subverting genre tropes in projects like The Suicide Squad, is using Creature Commandos to further his reputation as a boundary-pushing visionary in the superhero space.