Teenage superhero Jentry Chau navigates high school and demons in this new Netflix series, a personal passion project for creator Echo Wu and starring comedian Ali Wong.
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Echo Wu based the show's setting and details on her own childhood in Carrollton, Texas, even using her own house as inspiration for Gugu's home.
Ali Wong was drawn to the show's fresh, distinctive voice and felt a connection to Jentry's experience of being the 'new kid' and 'fish out of water,' themes she's explored in past roles.
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Ali Wong, Echo Wu, Netflix, Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld
Teenage superhero Jentry Chau navigates high school and demons in this new Netflix series, a personal passion project for creator Echo Wu and starring comedian Ali Wong.
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Echo Wu based the show's setting and details on her own childhood in Carrollton, Texas, even using her own house as inspiration for Gugu's home.
Ali Wong was drawn to the show's fresh, distinctive voice and felt a connection to Jentry's experience of being the 'new kid' and 'fish out of water,' themes she's explored in past roles.
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Ali Wong, Echo Wu, Netflix, Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld