The beloved 2000s sitcom Scrubs is making a long-awaited comeback, with original creator Bill Lawrence spearheading the revival for ABC.
beat sheet
The Scrubs reboot is currently in early development, with the series expected to land on ABC after a 15-year hiatus.
Bill Lawrence, the mastermind behind the original show, is actively involved in the reboot, ensuring the revival stays true to the beloved characters and quirky hospital setting.
The beloved 2000s sitcom Scrubs is making a long-awaited comeback, with original creator Bill Lawrence spearheading the revival for ABC.
beat sheet
The Scrubs reboot is currently in early development, with the series expected to land on ABC after a 15-year hiatus.
Bill Lawrence, the mastermind behind the original show, is actively involved in the reboot, ensuring the revival stays true to the beloved characters and quirky hospital setting.