A raw, observational drama that follows the haunting journey of an abandoned Kazakh child, showcasing a breakout performance from young actor Yersultan Yerman.
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Director Zholdas Orazaly's film is Kazakhstan's official Oscar entry, marking a rare opportunity for global audiences to discover the country's rich cinematic tradition.
Critics are hailing Yersultan Yerman's naturalistic, deeply empathetic lead performance as a potential breakout moment, with many predicting award season recognition.
A raw, observational drama that follows the haunting journey of an abandoned Kazakh child, showcasing a breakout performance from young actor Yersultan Yerman.
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Director Zholdas Orazaly's film is Kazakhstan's official Oscar entry, marking a rare opportunity for global audiences to discover the country's rich cinematic tradition.
Critics are hailing Yersultan Yerman's naturalistic, deeply empathetic lead performance as a potential breakout moment, with many predicting award season recognition.