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Why Ben Stiller And Will Smith Were Rejected For My Cousin Vinny

Story by staff@slashfilm.com (Nina Starner)
from SlashFilm
Image from SlashFilm
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Hollywood heavyweights Ben Stiller and Will Smith were almost cast in the beloved classic 'My Cousin Vinny' before the role went to an unknown Joe Pesci
beat sheet
  • Director Jonathan Lynn originally envisioned Stiller and Smith in the lead roles, but producers convinced him to take a chance on the lesser-known Pesci, who went on to steal the show
  • Pesci's breakout performance as the fish-out-of-water Vinny Gambini earned him an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, proving that sometimes the underdog can come out on top in Tinseltown
call sheet
Ben Stiller, Will Smith, Joe Pesci, My Cousin Vinny
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