In this quirky French animated film, a girl's quest for chicken triggers a hilarious clash between civil unrest and a Roman recipe.
beat sheet
The film is directed by Sébastien Laudenbach and features the voice talents of Mélinée Leclerc and Clotilde Hesme, adding a touch of star power.
Chicken for Linda! draws inspiration from the works of Victor Hugo, blending social commentary with slapstick humor in a whimsical tale of a mother-daughter conflict over a simple meal.
call sheet
Mélinée Leclerc, Clotilde Hesme, France, Chicken for Linda!
In this quirky French animated film, a girl's quest for chicken triggers a hilarious clash between civil unrest and a Roman recipe.
beat sheet
The film is directed by Sébastien Laudenbach and features the voice talents of Mélinée Leclerc and Clotilde Hesme, adding a touch of star power.
Chicken for Linda! draws inspiration from the works of Victor Hugo, blending social commentary with slapstick humor in a whimsical tale of a mother-daughter conflict over a simple meal.
call sheet
Mélinée Leclerc, Clotilde Hesme, France, Chicken for Linda!