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The 2024 Black List Includes Scripts For a Nazi Hunting Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Bourdain Biopic, and George W. Bush Slasher Film

Story by Joey Paur
from GeekTyrant
Image from GeekTyrant
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Hollywood's most influential annual script list unveils a lineup of biopics, thrillers, and dark comedies that are sure to stir up Tinseltown buzz.
beat sheet
  • The script for a Nazi-hunting thriller starring Audrey Hepburn has made the prestigious 2024 Black List, signaling a bold new direction for the legendary actress's legacy.
  • George W. Bush fans and horror fans alike will be intrigued by a 'slasher film' about the former president that also landed on the Black List, promising a satirical take on his presidency.
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Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Bourdain, George W. Bush, Black List, Nazi Hunting Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Bourdain Biopic, George W. Bush Slasher Film
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