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Dev Patel Says Lookalike Contestants Were ‘Far More Handsome and Qualified’ Than Him

Rolling Stone
Story by Emily Zemler
from Rolling Stone
Image from Rolling Stone
scrn logline
Dev Patel humbled as admirers flock to 'lookalike' contest, proving the actor is far from the 'most handsome' in Hollywood's leading man lineup.
beat sheet
  • Over 500 contestants showed up to the San Francisco event, impressing Patel with their good looks and qualifications - a stark contrast to the actor's own self-assessment
  • Patel acknowledged the event during a talk at the Red Sea Film Festival, hinting that he's pleasantly surprised by the public's perception of his appearance compared to other leading men like Robert Pattinson and Timothée Chalamet
call sheet
Dev Patel, Glen Powell, Robert Pattinson, Timothée Chalamet
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