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Spike Lee on Malcolm X's Family Suing FBI, CIA, NYPD: 'They're Guilty'

Story by Ellise Shafer
from Variety
Image from Variety
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Spike Lee voices support for Malcolm X's family in their lawsuit against the FBI, CIA, and NYPD, claiming they're 'guilty' of conspiracies against the civil rights icon.
beat sheet
  • Lee, serving as jury president at the Red Sea Film Festival, says the Malcolm X family's lawsuit against the government agencies is 'justified' and they have 'a strong case'.
  • The director also expresses enthusiasm for the 2034 FIFA World Cup, which is set to take place in Saudi Arabia, joking that he'll be there to cheer on the event.
call sheet
Spike Lee, Malcolm X, FBI, CIA, NYPD, 2034 FIFA World Cup
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