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Green and Gold Trailer: Green Bay Packers Movie Stars Brandon Sklenar

Story by Maggie Dela Paz
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
scrn logline
A fourth-generation dairy farmer bets the future of his family's farm on his beloved Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl in this heartwarming '90s-set drama.
beat sheet
  • The film features rising star Brandon Sklenar, known for his role in the recent hit It Ends With Us, alongside newcomer Madison Lawlor in the lead roles.
  • With a supporting cast that includes TV veteran Craig T. Nelson and character actor M. Emmet Walsh, the film boasts an impressive ensemble that's sure to draw in audiences.
call sheet
Brandon Sklenar, Madison Lawlor, Anders Lindwall, Steven Shafer, Michael Graf, Missy Mareau Garcia, Craig T. Nelson, M. Emmet Walsh, Annabel Armour, Ashton Moio, Charlie Berens, David Lindwall, Aaron Boyd, Jackson Browne, S. Carey, Green Bay Packers, Fathom Events, Green and Gold
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