A poignant documentary that uses 2007 VHS footage to spotlight the powerful role of cinema in amplifying the voices of Bolivia's marginalized indigenous tribes.
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The film documents the 2005 election of Bolivia's first indigenous president, a pivotal moment that sparked constitutional reforms to give these long-neglected groups proper representation.
Filmmaker Mark Kendall's work is part of a broader collective project aiming to 'decolonize' Bolivian media and cultivate a more pluralistic society amid globalization and the rise of digital technologies.
call sheet
Mark Kendall, CEFREC/CAIB, For the People, By the People
A poignant documentary that uses 2007 VHS footage to spotlight the powerful role of cinema in amplifying the voices of Bolivia's marginalized indigenous tribes.
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The film documents the 2005 election of Bolivia's first indigenous president, a pivotal moment that sparked constitutional reforms to give these long-neglected groups proper representation.
Filmmaker Mark Kendall's work is part of a broader collective project aiming to 'decolonize' Bolivian media and cultivate a more pluralistic society amid globalization and the rise of digital technologies.
call sheet
Mark Kendall, CEFREC/CAIB, For the People, By the People