Brace for a chilling new wave of anime horror hitting screens in 2025, from vengeful spirits to bloodthirsty sea creatures
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Legendary horror director Takeshi Nishimura is helming a much-anticipated adaptation of the hit manga 'Aokigahara's Whispers', rumored to feature the most terrifying yokai seen on screen
Rising star Emi Nakamura is set to voice the lead role in 'Fluffy Fury', a twisted take on the classic 'killer cat' trope that's already generating Oscar buzz
Brace for a chilling new wave of anime horror hitting screens in 2025, from vengeful spirits to bloodthirsty sea creatures
beat sheet
Legendary horror director Takeshi Nishimura is helming a much-anticipated adaptation of the hit manga 'Aokigahara's Whispers', rumored to feature the most terrifying yokai seen on screen
Rising star Emi Nakamura is set to voice the lead role in 'Fluffy Fury', a twisted take on the classic 'killer cat' trope that's already generating Oscar buzz