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Watch: 'Space Plug' Sci-Fi Short About a Boy Raised by Flabby Aliens

Story by Alex Billington
from FirstShowing.net
Image from FirstShowing.net
scrn logline
A boy raised by flabby aliens in a blank white room in the vastness of space searches for a way out to find life in the infinite beyond.
beat sheet
  • The sci-fi short 'Space Plug' was made as part of the Disney Imagine UK scheme, giving the filmmaker a £25,000 budget and NFTS production resources to create this quirky, visually striking B&W film.
  • Director Marcus Anthony Thomas, who shadowed the showrunners and directors on HBO's 'House of the Dragon' after graduating from NFTS, has crafted a unique, imaginative sci-fi tale about a human child longing for more than the limited stimulation provided by the fluid-filled alien caretakers.
call sheet
Marcus Anthony Thomas, Anthony J Abraham, Iniki Mariano, Benjamin Atori, Michael Fianko, Disney, NFTS, WarnerMedia, HBO, 'Space Plug'
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