Acclaimed horror director Robert Eggers credits the iconic 'SpongeBob SquarePants' for preserving classic cinematic tropes in the modern era.
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Eggers, known for his moody period pieces like 'The Witch' and 'The Lighthouse', says SpongeBob's visual style and storytelling kept the spirit of 'Nosferatu' alive for a new generation.
The director praised SpongeBob's ability to balance humor and horror, noting that the cartoon's sharp silhouettes and dramatic lighting were direct influences on his own atmospheric, gothic approach.
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Robert Eggers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Nosferatu, The Witch, The Lighthouse
Acclaimed horror director Robert Eggers credits the iconic 'SpongeBob SquarePants' for preserving classic cinematic tropes in the modern era.
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Eggers, known for his moody period pieces like 'The Witch' and 'The Lighthouse', says SpongeBob's visual style and storytelling kept the spirit of 'Nosferatu' alive for a new generation.
The director praised SpongeBob's ability to balance humor and horror, noting that the cartoon's sharp silhouettes and dramatic lighting were direct influences on his own atmospheric, gothic approach.
call sheet
Robert Eggers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Nosferatu, The Witch, The Lighthouse