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I’m Obsessed With How Daniel Weyman’s Performance Impacted The Rings Of Power’s Showrunners’ Choice To Make The Stranger Gandalf

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from Cinemablend
Image from Cinemablend
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Rings of Power showrunners reveal how actor Daniel Weyman's performance sealed the deal on making The Stranger the iconic wizard Gandalf.
beat sheet
  • Weyman's nuanced take on the role convinced showrunners he was the perfect fit to play a young Gandalf, despite initial hesitation on tying the character to the LOTR legend.
  • The showrunners were initially reluctant to confirm The Stranger's identity, but Weyman's emotional portrayal and connection with fans forced their hand, ensuring a big reveal that will have Middle-earth purists buzzing.
call sheet
Daniel Weyman, The Rings of Power, The Rings of Power
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