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‘Blue Bloods’ Finale: Donnie Wahlberg Fought for Danny and Baez

Story by Emily Longeretta
from Variety
Image from Variety
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After 14 seasons, 'Blue Bloods' bids farewell with a finale that sees Donnie Wahlberg's character Danny fighting for his partnership with Baez.
beat sheet
  • Donnie Wahlberg, who plays Danny Reagan, reportedly pushed hard to ensure his character's close relationship with partner Baez (Marisa Ramirez) was a focal point in the finale, giving fans the closure they wanted.
  • The finale episode, titled 'End of Tour,' didn't go out with a bang, but rather a bittersweet sense of closure as the long-running police procedural wrapped up its 14-season run on CBS.
call sheet
Donnie Wahlberg, Marisa Ramirez, CBS, Blue Bloods
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