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A Christmas Story Movie Meaning & Ending Explained in Detail

Story by Michael Hein
from ComicBook.com
Image from ComicBook.com
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Exploring the enduring legacy and deeper meanings of the beloved holiday classic 'A Christmas Story', from its origins to its many sequels and adaptations.
beat sheet
  • The film is based on the semi-autobiographical stories of radio personality Jean Shepherd, who also narrates the movie as the older version of protagonist Ralphie.
  • The iconic scene of Ralphie nearly shooting his eye out with his Red Ryder BB gun represents a larger theme of the film - the humbling realization that 'you'll shoot your eye out' as you grow up and lose your childhood innocence.
call sheet
Jean Shepherd, Bob Clark, Peter Billingsley, Darren McGavin, Melinda Dillon, Ian Petrella, Kieran Culkin, Howie Mandel, Higbee's, A Christmas Story, In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash, My Summer Story, The Phantom of the Open Hearth, The Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters, The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski, Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss, It Runs in the Family: My Summer Story, A Christmas Story 2, A Christmas Story Christmas
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