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“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Career Coach on Playing It Straight, Finding Space and Conquering Bluesky

The Hollywood Reporter
Story by Benjamin Svetkey
from The Hollywood Reporter
Image from The Hollywood Reporter
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Veteran Hollywood career coach Remy Blumenfeld offers sage advice to industry professionals navigating everything from social media fatigue to playing against type.
beat sheet
  • 50-year-old TV host struggling to keep up with the social media exodus is advised to focus on platforms that bring genuine joy and connection rather than forcing himself to learn every new trend.
  • A gay actor who keeps landing straight lead roles is encouraged to embrace the fantasy his fans are drawn to, rather than feeling guilty about not openly advertising his sexuality - the truth of his personal life is what matters most.
call sheet
Remy Blumenfeld, Bluesky, Regency gentleman in breeches, thrusting alpha finance bro
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