Three brothers embark on a blood-soaked, musical quest for revenge against their father who sold their souls to the Devil in this Southern Gothic crime thriller.
beat sheet
Indie filmmaker Brandon McCormick makes his feature directorial debut with this gritty, gothic crime musical, featuring original songs by composer Nicholas Kirk.
The film stars Brendan Bradley, Nican Robinson, Jordon Bolden, Rainey Qualley, and Oscar winner Keith Carradine, and promises stunning Southern cinematography to match its bold premise.
call sheet
Brandon McCormick, Brendan Bradley, Nican Robinson, Jordon Bolden, Rainey Qualley, Keith Carradine, Nicholas Kirk, Quiver Distribution, The Devil and the Daylong Brothers
Three brothers embark on a blood-soaked, musical quest for revenge against their father who sold their souls to the Devil in this Southern Gothic crime thriller.
beat sheet
Indie filmmaker Brandon McCormick makes his feature directorial debut with this gritty, gothic crime musical, featuring original songs by composer Nicholas Kirk.
The film stars Brendan Bradley, Nican Robinson, Jordon Bolden, Rainey Qualley, and Oscar winner Keith Carradine, and promises stunning Southern cinematography to match its bold premise.
call sheet
Brandon McCormick, Brendan Bradley, Nican Robinson, Jordon Bolden, Rainey Qualley, Keith Carradine, Nicholas Kirk, Quiver Distribution, The Devil and the Daylong Brothers