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Bicentennial Man at 25: Why Robin Williams’ sci-fi movie bomb is still misunderstood

Digital Trends
Story by Blair Marnell
from Digital Trends
Image from Digital Trends
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Revisiting the box office flop 'Bicentennial Man' and why Robin Williams' poignant sci-fi tale about an android's quest for humanity still resonates 25 years later
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  • Despite being a commercial failure, 'Bicentennial Man' earned Williams a Golden Globe nomination for his nuanced portrayal of an android struggling to be recognized as a sentient being
  • The film's themes of identity, acceptance, and what it means to be human continue to strike a chord with audiences, making it a cult classic among Williams' diverse filmography
call sheet
Robin Williams, Disney, Aladdin, Mork & Mindy, Christopher Nolan, Insomnia, Isaac Asimov, Bicentennial Man
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