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Is Greta Gerwig Working on a ‘Barbie’ Sequel?

Story by BANG Showbiz
from ScreenCrush
Image from ScreenCrush
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Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach reportedly cooking up a 'Barbie' sequel, but studio and reps deny the early-stage plans
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  • Gerwig, who directed the hit 2023 'Barbie' movie, and her partner Baumbach are said to have an idea for a second installment, though details remain hush-hush
  • In the past, Gerwig has been reluctant to share movie ideas too early, fearing it could 'wreck what the movie is' - so this potential sequel may still be in the embryonic stages
call sheet
Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach, Margot Robbie, Warner Bros., 'Barbie'
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