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French Manga Adaptation ‘Cat’s Eyes’ Wins Unifrance Export Award

The Hollywood Reporter
Story by Scott Roxborough
from The Hollywood Reporter
Image from The Hollywood Reporter
scrn logline
A French manga adaptation about a trio of Parisian cafe owners who moonlight as art thieves wins big at the Unifrance TV Export Awards.
beat sheet
  • Cat's Eyes, a live-action adaptation of the cult manga by Tsukasa Hōjō, took home the top drama series honor, showcasing the global appeal of French-Japanese co-productions.
  • The Canal+/TF1 animated series Zig & Sharko, about a hyena trying to snack on a mermaid protected by her muscly shark bodyguard, won best-selling French animation series, proving the worldwide demand for quirky, high-quality French toons.
call sheet
Tsukasa Hōjō, Michel Catz, Camille Lou, Constance Labbé, Claire Romain, Pascal Cuissot, Unifrance, TF1, Amazon Prime Video, Xiliam Animation, Canal+, France tv distribution, Cat's Eyes, Zig & Sharko, Eiffel Tower: Building the Impossible
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