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Final Jeopardy Today December 16, 2024 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner

Story by Nicholas Tan
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
scrn logline
Returning Jeopardy champion Ashley Chan faces new competitors in a high-stakes final round with a geography-themed clue about the Pillars of Hercules.
beat sheet
  • Ashley Chan, the three-time Jeopardy champion, amassed $17,400 in the second round and didn't have to risk anything to secure her win, ending with a total of $46,500.
  • The Final Jeopardy clue about the Pillars of Hercules, referring to the two mountainous points that form the Strait of Gibraltar, stumped all the contestants, though one came close with an answer about the Straits of Gibraltar.
call sheet
Ashley Chan, Matt Grossman, Henry Barbaro, Ken Jennings, Jeopardy, Jeopardy!, Hercules
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