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'The Spider Senses Are Tingling': FBI's Zeeko Zaki Addresses Possible Betrayal By That Chicago Med Alum In High-Stakes Fall Finale

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from Cinemablend
Image from Cinemablend
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Zeeko Zaki teases a high-stakes FBI finale with possible betrayal by former 'Chicago Med' star Guy Lockard, hinting at a tense showdown between the two Wolf Entertainment alums.
beat sheet
  • Zeeko Zaki and Guy Lockard, who previously co-starred on 'Chicago Med,' will face off in the FBI fall finale, setting the stage for a potential betrayal that could shake up the series.
  • Zaki promises the episode will end the 2024 TV season on an
call sheet
Zeeko Zaki, Guy Lockard, FBI, Chicago Med, Wolf Entertainment, 'FBI'
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