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Why Did Claire Marry Lord John Grey on Outlander?

Story by Ritika Singh
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
scrn logline
Outlander's Claire Beauchamp shockingly marries Lord John Grey to save her life, but her heart still yearns for her true love, Jamie Fraser.
beat sheet
  • Actress Caitríona Balfe reveals that Claire is 'numb' and 'in the process of shock' over her unwanted marriage to Lord John, a gay man who's secretly in love with her.
  • Despite being presumed dead, Jamie Fraser is shown alive at the end of episode 11, hinting at a long-awaited reunion with his soulmate Claire.
call sheet
Claire Beauchamp Randall, Jamie Fraser, Lord John Grey, Caitríona Balfe, Starz, Outlander
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