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‘Laid’ Review: Stephanie Hsu and Zosia Mamet Liven up Peacock’s Uneven Sex-and-Death Comedy

The Hollywood Reporter
Story by Daniel Fienberg
from The Hollywood Reporter
Image from The Hollywood Reporter
scrn logline
A Seattle party planner's dating history takes a deadly turn in this uneven Peacock comedy about sex, friendship, and karmic comeuppance.
beat sheet
  • TV critics are divided on whether Laid should have been a limited series rather than set up for a second season - the premise may have run its course by the end of the first run.
  • The show is elevated by the chemistry between stars Stephanie Hsu and Zosia Mamet, whose affectionate repartee as best friends is the real draw, even as the high concept premise becomes less compelling.
call sheet
Stephanie Hsu, Zosia Mamet, Michael Angarano, Tommy Martinez, Peacock, Laid
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