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John C. Reilly Plays Buffalo Bill in Italian Western 'Heads or Tails?'

Story by Nvivarelli
from Variety
Image from Variety
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John C. Reilly rides into the wild west of Italy, playing Buffalo Bill in a surreal new Western based on a real-life incident from the legendary showman's Italian tour.
beat sheet
  • Reilly stars in 'Heads or Tails?', an Italian directorial duo's film inspired by a true event from Buffalo Bill's Italian tour in the 1800s
  • The movie is a quirky, genre-blending take on the iconic American frontiersman, offering a fresh take on the Western that's sure to turn heads in Hollywood.
call sheet
John C. Reilly, Buffalo Bill, Italian directorial duo Alessio Rigo de Righi and Matteo Zoppis, 'Heads or Tails?'
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