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Jamie Foxx Had Been Out Of The Standup Game For So Long Before His Netflix Special His Daughters Were Shocked: 'I Didn't Know'

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from Cinemablend
Image from Cinemablend
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Comedy legend Jamie Foxx makes a surprise return to his standup roots, leaving his daughters in awe of his enduring talent.
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  • Foxx had been out of the standup game for so long that his daughters, who have seen him dominate the big screen for decades, were shocked by his raw comedy chops in his new Netflix special.
  • Foxx's daughters admitted they 'didn't know' their dad was still that funny on stage, underscoring the actor's ability to keep his comedic skills sharp even as he's become one of Hollywood's most celebrated leading men.
call sheet
Jamie Foxx, Netflix, Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was
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