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'Shrinking's Jason Segel Will Rip Your Heart Out With His Emmy-Worthy Season 2, Episode 11 Performance

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from Decider
Image from Decider
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Jason Segel delivers a heart-wrenching, Emmy-worthy performance in the latest episode of 'Shrinking' on Apple TV+, leaving audiences in tears.
beat sheet
  • Segel's raw and emotional acting in Season 2, Episode 11 is being widely praised by critics, with many predicting an Emmy nomination for the veteran actor.
  • The episode features a gut-punching sequence where Segel's character, a grieving therapist, breaks down and confronts his own trauma, leaving viewers deeply moved.
call sheet
Jason Segel, Brett Goldstein, Cobie Smulders, Harrison Ford, Jessica Williams, Lukita Maxwell, Apple TV+, Shrinking
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