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Kimberly Williams-Paisley Shares Struggle With Voice Disorder, Was Unable to Speak Louder Than a Whisper

The Hollywood Reporter
Story by Lexy Perez
from The Hollywood Reporter
Image from The Hollywood Reporter
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Kimberly Williams-Paisley opens up about her two-year battle with a voice disorder that left her unable to speak above a whisper, and how a life-changing surgery helped her reclaim her voice.
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  • For two years, the 'Father of the Bride' actress grappled with a voice disorder that made her feel 'trapped in her own body' and 'invisible', forcing her to turn down acting jobs and withdraw from loved ones.
  • After undergoing a three-hour surgery known as medialization laryngoplasty, where her weak left vocal cord was moved closer to the right, Williams-Paisley's voice returned, and she now feels 'empowered' to use it without taking it for granted.
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Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Brad Paisley, People magazine, Father of the Bride, Vanderbilt Voice Center, Fox, Farmer Needs a Wife, Father of the Bride, Dog Gone, Farmer Needs a Wife
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