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Official Trailer for 'Bystanders' Revenge Horror Starring Brandi Botkin

Story by Alex Billington
from FirstShowing.net
Image from FirstShowing.net
scrn logline
A millennial couple and an awkward teen band together to fight back against a group of violent frat boys in this indie horror revenge thriller.
beat sheet
  • Bystanders marks the feature directorial debut of Mary Beth McAndrews, a horror film journalist and editor-in-chief of Dread - a sign this low-budget indie has serious genre cred.
  • The film stars Brandi Botkin as Abby, an 'awkward teen' who finds herself caught up in a night of 'chaos & bloodshed' against 'collegiate creeps' after a party spins out of control.
call sheet
Brandi Botkin, Jamie Alvey, Garrett Murphy, Mary Beth McAndrews, Dread, HorrorHound Film Festival, Bystanders
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