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Fans 'can’t unsee' the AMC ad connection in Nicole Kidman’s striped pantsuit: 'We come to this place for magic'

Page Six
Story by Kelsey Stewart
from Page Six
Image from Page Six
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Nicole Kidman's AMC-inspired pantsuit sparks wild fan reactions, as the star embraces her 'magic' on screen and off.
beat sheet
  • Kidman wore a Dolce & Gabbana striped pantsuit that bore a striking resemblance to AMC's iconic logo, leaving fans convinced it was a calculated fashion choice.
  • Fans speculate the outfit is a subtle nod to Kidman's AMC commercial which aired during the Emmys, with one tweeting: 'We come to this place for magic' - the same line used in the ad.
call sheet
Nicole Kidman, AMC, Dolce & Gabbana, Michael Kors
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