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Jimmy Alfredo

Film Threat
Story by Bradley Gibson
scrn logline
A disaffected young man takes a life-changing Kerouac-esque road trip with a charismatic yet criminal stranger, encountering a Faustian tale and the predictable consequences of unstructured chaos.
beat sheet
  • The film's protagonist, Tim, is a naive innocent who gets dragged into the dark, drug-fueled world of the enigmatic Jimmy Alfredo, a near-mythical figure who robs people to fund his escapades.
  • The movie's trippy, psychedelic visuals and reality-twisting interludes are designed to enhance the viewing experience, but the director warns that it might be best to skip the altered state and just enjoy the film sober, as 'unstructured free spirits are the most boring people in the room if you're sober.'
call sheet
Tim, Jimmy Alfredo, Jacob Nowe, Joseph Faulk, Lucid Lucy, Katie Guarnaccia, Cataract-Sally, Carly Bruno, Jimmy Alfredo
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