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Trailer for Doc Film 'Half-Life of Memory' About the Rocky Flats Plant

Story by Alex Billington
from FirstShowing.net
Image from FirstShowing.net
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The shocking true story of how the U.S. secretly manufactured thousands of atomic weapons in the suburbs of Denver, leaving behind a toxic legacy that continues to threaten public health.
beat sheet
  • The Rocky Flats plant produced a staggering 70,000 atomic bombs, each serving as a 'trigger' for thermonuclear warheads, concealed by government secrecy for decades.
  • A major plutonium fire sparked a decade of mass protests, culminating in an unprecedented FBI raid that ultimately shuttered the plant, yet the radioactive legacy of Rocky Flats still looms large today.
call sheet
Jeff Gipe, Freestyle Digital Media, Rocky Flats plant, FBI, Half-Life of Memory: America's Forgotten Atomic Bomb Factory
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