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Fremantle Names Fran Denny VP Commercial, Global Drama

The Hollywood Reporter
Story by Georg Szalai
from The Hollywood Reporter
Image from The Hollywood Reporter
scrn logline
Fremantle elevates Fran Denny to VP of commercial operations for its global drama division, cementing its commitment to industry growth.
beat sheet
  • Denny, previously Fremantle's VP of legal and business affairs, will now lead deal-making for the company's first-look producers and support its broader film strategy.
  • Fremantle's COO Seb Shorr praises Denny's 'commercial acumen and deal-making skills,' signaling the importance of this new role in the company's global expansion plans.
call sheet
Fran Denny, Seb Shorr, Fremantle, Sister Pictures, Warner Brothers Television Production U.K., Jamie Oliver Group, Abot Hameiri, Menuetto Film, Shtisel, Kugel
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