A heart-wrenching baby swap drama unfolds in the gripping new ITV series 'Playing Nice', led by acclaimed stars James Norton and Niamh Algar.
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The series is based on the devastating JP Delaney novel of the same name, exploring the unimaginable consequences of a hospital mix-up that swaps two newborns.
With its powerful performances and edge-of-your-seat tension, 'Playing Nice' is set to be a must-watch for fans of gritty, character-driven thrillers.
call sheet
James Norton, Niamh Algar, ITV, Studiocanal, Rabbit Track Pictures, Playing Nice
A heart-wrenching baby swap drama unfolds in the gripping new ITV series 'Playing Nice', led by acclaimed stars James Norton and Niamh Algar.
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The series is based on the devastating JP Delaney novel of the same name, exploring the unimaginable consequences of a hospital mix-up that swaps two newborns.
With its powerful performances and edge-of-your-seat tension, 'Playing Nice' is set to be a must-watch for fans of gritty, character-driven thrillers.
call sheet
James Norton, Niamh Algar, ITV, Studiocanal, Rabbit Track Pictures, Playing Nice