The Rock's filmography includes an underrated thriller gem now streaming on Netflix, overshadowed by his blockbuster animated sequel Moana 2.
beat sheet
Dwayne Johnson's 2010 action thriller Faster, a critical darling often overlooked in his vast filmography, is now available on Netflix.
While Moana 2, Johnson's latest high-profile animated hit, is dominating the box office, the star's lesser-known 'Mount Rushmore' movie Faster is quietly gaining new fans on the streaming platform.
The Rock's filmography includes an underrated thriller gem now streaming on Netflix, overshadowed by his blockbuster animated sequel Moana 2.
beat sheet
Dwayne Johnson's 2010 action thriller Faster, a critical darling often overlooked in his vast filmography, is now available on Netflix.
While Moana 2, Johnson's latest high-profile animated hit, is dominating the box office, the star's lesser-known 'Mount Rushmore' movie Faster is quietly gaining new fans on the streaming platform.