Acclaimed director Carlos López Estrada's Antigravity Academy teams up with Dolby to create a cutting-edge short film studio for emerging voices in cinema.
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Antigravity Academy, founded by the Oscar-nominated director, will leverage Dolby's state-of-the-art technology to help develop the next generation of filmmaking talent.
The new studio will provide emerging filmmakers with access to Dolby's advanced audio and visual tools, giving them the resources to bring their visionary projects to life.
call sheet
Carlos López Estrada, Antigravity Academy, Dolby Laboratories, Dolby Creator Lab
Acclaimed director Carlos López Estrada's Antigravity Academy teams up with Dolby to create a cutting-edge short film studio for emerging voices in cinema.
beat sheet
Antigravity Academy, founded by the Oscar-nominated director, will leverage Dolby's state-of-the-art technology to help develop the next generation of filmmaking talent.
The new studio will provide emerging filmmakers with access to Dolby's advanced audio and visual tools, giving them the resources to bring their visionary projects to life.
call sheet
Carlos L ópez Estrada, Antigravity Academy, Dolby Laboratories, Dolby Creator Lab