Dreamy documentary follows an eccentric couple running a remote Australian airstrip, as they find unexpected solace in the vast, silent desert landscape.
beat sheet
The film's director, Yannick Jamey, stumbled upon this unique location and its caretakers, Greg and Kate Harrington, while exploring the remote Nullarbor Plain, and ended up capturing a week in their tranquil, quirky lives.
The director reveals that while the Harringtons' remote 'dream job' initially appeals to many viewers, the isolation can eventually drive people 'mad,' with managers only allowed to stay for a maximum of two years to avoid going stir-crazy.
call sheet
Yannick Jamey, Greg Harrington, Kate Harrington, Roger Ebert, The Big Wait
Dreamy documentary follows an eccentric couple running a remote Australian airstrip, as they find unexpected solace in the vast, silent desert landscape.
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The film's director, Yannick Jamey, stumbled upon this unique location and its caretakers, Greg and Kate Harrington, while exploring the remote Nullarbor Plain, and ended up capturing a week in their tranquil, quirky lives.
The director reveals that while the Harringtons' remote 'dream job' initially appeals to many viewers, the isolation can eventually drive people 'mad,' with managers only allowed to stay for a maximum of two years to avoid going stir-crazy.
call sheet
Yannick Jamey, Greg Harrington, Kate Harrington, Roger Ebert, The Big Wait