A young Kazakh boy raised by his grandmother under the centuries-old tradition of 'Bauryna Salu' faces an emotional reckoning with his estranged family after her death.
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Director Askhat Kuchinchirekov and cinematographer Zhanrbek Yeleubek both grew up with this nomadic 'Bauryna Salu' tradition, making the film a deeply personal reflection of their own experiences.
Newcomer Yersultan Yerman delivers a standout, emotionally raw performance as the protagonist, including a devastating long take of him learning about his grandmother's death and an intense confrontation scene inspired by a Rembrandt painting.
A young Kazakh boy raised by his grandmother under the centuries-old tradition of 'Bauryna Salu' faces an emotional reckoning with his estranged family after her death.
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Director Askhat Kuchinchirekov and cinematographer Zhanrbek Yeleubek both grew up with this nomadic 'Bauryna Salu' tradition, making the film a deeply personal reflection of their own experiences.
Newcomer Yersultan Yerman delivers a standout, emotionally raw performance as the protagonist, including a devastating long take of him learning about his grandmother's death and an intense confrontation scene inspired by a Rembrandt painting.