NBC snatches up a high-stakes cheerleading comedy from the powerhouse duo Liz and Jeff Astrof, with Cheer's Monica Aldama on board as an executive producer.
beat sheet
This marks the first time Liz Astrof and Jeff Astrof, both acclaimed comedy showrunners, are collaborating to create a series together.
The show, titled 'Stumble,' landed at NBC after a competitive bidding war with multiple networks vying for the project, underscoring its commercial potential.
call sheet
Liz Astrof, Jeff Astrof, Monica Aldama, NBC, Stumble
NBC snatches up a high-stakes cheerleading comedy from the powerhouse duo Liz and Jeff Astrof, with Cheer's Monica Aldama on board as an executive producer.
beat sheet
This marks the first time Liz Astrof and Jeff Astrof, both acclaimed comedy showrunners, are collaborating to create a series together.
The show, titled 'Stumble,' landed at NBC after a competitive bidding war with multiple networks vying for the project, underscoring its commercial potential.
call sheet
Liz Astrof, Jeff Astrof, Monica Aldama, NBC, Stumble