Disney's iconic Pride Rock becomes a quirky popcorn bucket, proving the 2024 movie merch game is stronger than ever.
beat sheet
The Pride Rock popcorn bucket is a playful nod to the classic 'Lion King' design, delighting fans with its unexpected functionality.
This popcorn bucket is just the latest in a long line of wildly creative movie snack containers, showcasing the industry's knack for turning iconic imagery into must-have collectibles.
Disney's iconic Pride Rock becomes a quirky popcorn bucket, proving the 2024 movie merch game is stronger than ever.
beat sheet
The Pride Rock popcorn bucket is a playful nod to the classic 'Lion King' design, delighting fans with its unexpected functionality.
This popcorn bucket is just the latest in a long line of wildly creative movie snack containers, showcasing the industry's knack for turning iconic imagery into must-have collectibles.