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Why Fans Think Evan Hofer’s Dex Heller Is Leaving General Hospital

Story by Ritika Singh
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
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Tension builds as General Hospital fans speculate about the fate of Dex Heller, the cop investigating a shocking death, amid rumors of the character's potential exit.
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  • In a recent episode, a mysterious person in scrubs is seen injecting Digitalis, the drug that killed Sam McCall, into someone's IV, sparking fears that Dex may be the next target as he digs for evidence.
  • The promo shows Dex being stabbed in the back, leading viewers to believe the killer may be silencing him to cover their tracks, though the actor and showrunners have not confirmed Dex's departure from the long-running soap opera.
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Evan Hofer, Dex Heller, Sam McCall, Lulu Spencer, General Hospital, General Hospital
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