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Skeleton Crew Is A Love Letter To One Star Wars Movie In Particular

Story by staff@slashfilm.com (Rick Stevenson)
from SlashFilm
Image from SlashFilm
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Skeleton Crew, the new Star Wars series, pays homage to the franchise's most beloved films while also celebrating one of its most polarizing entries.
beat sheet
  • Insider sources reveal the show's creator, Jon Favreau, is a die-hard fan of the much-maligned 1999 film 'Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace', and has woven subtle nods and references throughout the series.
  • Despite its divisive reputation, 'The Phantom Menace' is said to be a key inspiration for Skeleton Crew's coming-of-age narrative and the world-building of the Jedi Order, giving the series a fresh perspective on the iconic franchise.
call sheet
Jon Favreau, Jedi Order, Skeleton Crew, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
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