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What Does Nina’s Warning Mean on General Hospital? Spoilers Explained

Story by Vritti Johar
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
scrn logline
Cynthia Watros' Nina Reeves drops ominous warnings, stirring up drama in the Cassadine and Corinthos families on General Hospital.
beat sheet
  • Nina's warning may be aimed at Lulu Spencer, as her search for daughter Charlotte could intersect with Nina's ties to Valentin Cassadine - the biggest threat in Port Charles.
  • Alternatively, Nina might caution Drew Cain about the fallout from his steamy affair with Willow Tait, as the scandal ripples through the Corinthos clan.
call sheet
Nina Reeves, Cynthia Watros, Lulu Spencer, Drew Cain, Valentin Cassadine, Willow Tait, Michael Corinthos, General Hospital, General Hospital
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