Netflix brings beloved Gabriel Garc ía Márquez novel 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' to life in a sprawling new adaptation that transports viewers to the magical realism of Colombia.
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The series marks the first time Márquez's classic 1967 novel has been adapted for the screen, with the author's family granting exclusive rights to Netflix after rejecting numerous previous offers.
The show features an all-Latin American cast and crew, including Mexican director Ciro Guerra, ensuring an authentic representation of the book's Colombian roots and magical realist style.
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Gabriel García Márquez, Netflix, One Hundred Years of Solitude
Netflix brings beloved Gabriel García Márquez novel 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' to life in a sprawling new adaptation that transports viewers to the magical realism of Colombia.
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The series marks the first time Márquez's classic 1967 novel has been adapted for the screen, with the author's family granting exclusive rights to Netflix after rejecting numerous previous offers.
The show features an all-Latin American cast and crew, including Mexican director Ciro Guerra, ensuring an authentic representation of the book's Colombian roots and magical realist style.
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Gabriel García Márquez, Netflix, One Hundred Years of Solitude