A thrilling cat-and-mouse game unfolds as a cunning assassin evades a relentless British intelligence officer in the acclaimed Peacock and Sky series 'The Day of the Jackal'.
beat sheet
Eddie Redmayne stars as the lead assassin, delivering a captivating performance as the skilled and elusive 'Jackal'.
Despite the Season 1 finale, the show has already been renewed for a second season, leaving fans eager to see what's next in the high-stakes chase.
call sheet
Eddie Redmayne, Úrsula Corberó, Lashana Lynch, Ben Hall, Sule Rimi, Florisa Kamara, Peacock, Sky, The Day of the Jackal
A thrilling cat-and-mouse game unfolds as a cunning assassin evades a relentless British intelligence officer in the acclaimed Peacock and Sky series 'The Day of the Jackal'.
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Eddie Redmayne stars as the lead assassin, delivering a captivating performance as the skilled and elusive 'Jackal'.
Despite the Season 1 finale, the show has already been renewed for a second season, leaving fans eager to see what's next in the high-stakes chase.
call sheet
Eddie Redmayne, Úrsula Corberó, Lashana Lynch, Ben Hall, Sule Rimi, Florisa Kamara, Peacock, Sky, The Day of the Jackal