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Biopic of Beatles Manager Brian Epstein, Midas Man, Gets U.S. Release Date

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from Pitchfork
Image from Pitchfork
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The untold story of the visionary who discovered the Beatles and forever changed music history.
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  • Midas Man, the long-awaited biopic on Beatles manager Brian Epstein, lands a U.S. release date of January 22, 2025, allowing American audiences to finally see this tale of a gay, Jewish maverick who fueled the Fab Four's rise.
  • The film boasts an all-star cast, including Jacob Fortune-Lloyd as Epstein, alongside Emily Watson, Eddie Marsan, and a quartet of up-and-coming actors portraying the Beatles themselves - a must-see for any music lover.
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Brian Epstein, Jacob Fortune-Lloyd, Emily Watson, Eddie Marsan, Jay Leno, Suzy Eddie Izzard, Blake Richardson, Jonah Lees, Leo Harvey-Elledge, Campbell Wallace, Alex Baranowski, Beatles, Olyn, Midas Man
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