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What Happened to Carol Goldwasser? ‘Hannah Montana’ Casting Director Passes Away

Story by Abdul Azim Naushad
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
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A beloved casting director, known for discovering young stars, passes away unexpectedly, leaving behind a legacy of sunshine and talent.
beat sheet
  • Carol Goldwasser, the casting director behind Disney's 'Hannah Montana', dies at 67, with her friend and former partner praising her as 'passionate, caring, and really, really funny'.
  • Goldwasser was a trailblazer in the industry, serving as the chairperson of the diversity committee for the Casting Society of America and earning 11 CSA Artios Award nominations with 2 wins.
call sheet
Carol Goldwasser, Theodore Gekis, Diana, Phillip Dorman, Marc Hirscheld, Howard Meltzer, Casting Society of America, Television Academy, Melrose Place, My So-Called Life, Disney/Touchstone Television, 'Hannah Montana', Cousins for Life
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